Immigration Fees
Immigration Fees
Hourly rates for Debt Recovery cases
Status | Hourly rate |
Principal Solicitor | £350 |
Senior Solicitor | £300 |
Solicitor/Legal Executive | £250 |
Trainees | £150 |
Paralegal | £120 |
Based on the hourly rates above, we usually charge a fixed fee and the average cost of a standard application is between £1500-£2000 plus VAT. The average cost of a standard immigration appeal at the First-Tier Tribunal (IAC) is between £2500-£3000 plus VAT. We generally conduct the hearing ourselves but in some cases we may have to use counsel. Counsel‘s fees are usually between £500-£750 plus VAT.
These fees are based on the standard work required in most cases which includes:
- Attendance on clients
- Taking instructions
- Perusal of documents
- Providing advice on merits, timelines and likely outcome of an application
- Preparing Statements of Case (if necessary)
- Preparing and submitting an application
- Attendance on clients
- Taking instructions
- Perusal of documents
- Providing advice on merits, timelines and likely outcome of an appeal
- Settling grounds of appeal and submitted the appeal
- Drafting Witness Statements and Skeleton Argument
- Compiling bundle in readiness for the hearing
The usual things which are likely to increase legal costs over and above our usual fixed fees as outlined above are:
- If there are complex matters to advance
- If the appeal hearing has been allocated to the float list and/or the hearing is adjourned to another day
Likely timescales for Immigration cases
Applications are usually processed by the Home Office within six months. Immigration appeals are usually heard within six months from the date that the appeal was filed at the Tribunal.
VAT & disbursements
Our fees and some disbursements are subject to VAT at 20%. Disbursements are charges payable in addition to our fees, normally to a third party. They can include fees payable to the Home Office, Tribunal or barristers or interpreters. The amount charged for the disbursements depends upon a number of variables so we will be able to advise you of the correct charges when we have further information from you.
Legal Aid
We do not conduct Immigration matters on Legal Aid.